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NetGalley review by Tracy Wood

Tracy Wood (Reviewer) has just submitted Feedback for Ferren and the Angel. 

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars 
This is the start of the Ferren Trilogy by Richard Harland and totally outside my comfort zone! It is, however, an engaging, well written, and compelling story that I’m delighted I took a chance on. There are two new post-apocolyptic worlds contained here, and the timeline begins with Earth’s recent history before moving into the realms of science fiction and fantasy in such a way that it seems totally believable and realistic. 

From his first mention, Ferren is someone to support and cheer for. He is so much more than he thinks he is, and his actions show this throughout. Miriael, as it should be, is far more enigmatic, at least to begin with, but she too is a strong, driven character, and both storylines are fascinating and a bit scary! … I can’t wait to step outside my comfort zone twice more to continue reading this series. 

I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this excellent book but would say it is aimed at teens and YA rather than middle grade. 

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