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Diane Mendenhall gives 5 stars on NetGalley

Diane Mendenhall (Educator) has just submitted Feedback for Ferren and the Angel.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

This is not my normal type of book to read but the synopsis sounded interesting. I really became enamored by the characters and the storyline. I loved the relationship between Ferren and Mirlael. Parts of this book are dark and dystopian and in spite of those elements, the story is still positive. The journey that Ferren undertakes is courageous and you can see his growth. The same can be said of Mirlael. I am interested in what happens in the next book and in seeing their friendship develop. I would highly recommend this book, especially for those who may feel that they are different from others around them. I was surprised I like this book as well as I did. It is a tribute to Richard Harland’s writing. Check it out. 

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