Here's the full text of the Reader Views review by Sheri Hoyte “Ferren and the…
Comic Con Update
Latest on Comic Con – there’ll be pre-release copies of Ferren and the Angel for sale at a Con discount price, yippee! (but not many of ’em!) I’ll be at the IFWG table with Chris Sequeira (editor, writer, artist), Nathan Burrage (author), Tam Nation (artist) and Jan Scherpenhuizen (artist) – and we’ll be doing a workshop together as well. Not sure of the exact time or title of the workshop yet, but it’ll be on our greatest creative secrets – the special techniques of storytelling and image-making that we’ve learned, but never normally reveal!
Can’t wait. Comic Con is at the Sydney Showground (Homebush)n 23-4th Sept – only two weeks to go now!
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